Historic Fort Steilacoom Acquires Artifacts of Pioneer Soldier Who Started the Tradition of Military Retirees Building Our Community

The Historic Fort Steilacoom Association (HFSA) is thrilled to announce the acquisition of artifacts belonging to Private Christopher M. Mahon, an Irish-born soldier stationed at Fort Steilacoom in 1849. This remarkable discovery sheds light on the lives of early military personnel and their enduring connection to the Puget Sound region.

Mahon, a member of Company M during the Mexican-American War, may have been one of the first of thousands of military personnel who served in Pierce County and subsequently chose to make the Pacific Northwest their permanent home. This donation underscores the fort’s crucial role in the region’s history and its lasting impact on the community.

“If you go anywhere in Lakewood, Steilacoom, Tacoma – anywhere in Pierce County, – you meet active duty personnel or people who retired from JBLM,” said Walter Neary, HFSA board president. “Mahon started the tradition. Mahon and his family represent the beginning of a long tradition of military retirees contributing to Puget Sound.”

A generous and anonymous donor gifted the HFSA with a pair of musket powder horns and a flask that once belonged to Private Mahon. These artifacts, framed with a map of the fort, include a message inscribed on the flask reads, “Given to C.M. Mahon by Lieutenant Murphy at Fort Steilacoom 1849.”

“These items provide a fascinating glimpse into the life of a soldier stationed at Fort Steilacoom,” said military historian and museum volunteer Alan Archambault. “While not military issue, the powder horns and flask suggest Mahon’s involvement in hunting, a vital skill for survival in the frontier environment.”

After leaving the Army in 1850, Private Mahon became a pioneer settler in what is now Parkland, Washington. His story is emblematic of the countless soldiers who transitioned from military service to civilian life, contributing to the growth and development of the state.

The Mahon family, including his wife Elizabeth, an Army laundress, and their children, played a significant role in the early history of Pierce County.

“The donation of these artifacts offers a unique opportunity to honor their legacy and connect with the thousands of military veterans who have called Pierce County home since that time,” Neary said.

The artifacts are on display during the fort’s regular open hours, 1 to 4 p.m. on first Sundays of the month. Tickets to tour all four buildings from the first U.S. Army post in Puget Sound are available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tour-historic-fort-steilacoom-museum-tickets-405453441157 Historic Fort Steilacoom in Lakewood, on the grounds of Western State Hospital. is the only ‘first fort’ of its kind to be managed entirely by private volunteers.


2nd annual Old-fashioned Independence Day Celebration is July 7

Fort Steilacoom’s 2nd annual Old-fashioned Independence Day Celebration and free open house will be noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, July 7.

Last year, people told us they appreciated a free, family-oriented event. So we’re doing it again, in honor of the 175th anniversary of our founding this year! View our historic U.S. Army post and see four of the oldest buildings still standing in Washington.

You’ll find:

  • Re-enactors
  • Demonstrations
  • Hands-on activities

You can see photos of last year’s fun here.

We’re on the grounds of Western State Hospital. The hospital’s front lawn was a parade ground for U.S. Civil War soldiers. Use the street address, 9601 Steilacoom Blvd SW to find us.




Confessions of a Living History Performer: Secrets to Making the Past Come Alive

Living history can bring the past to life vividly in a myriad of ways – such as demonstrating crafts from a bygone era, playing an old tune, donning period clothing and portraying an historical person. For nearly 30 years, Karen Haas has relished being a living history performer, one of the veterans of South Sound’s thriving living history community.

In a talk that will take you “behind the scenes,” Haas will share snippets of some of her programs, tell of the joys and challenges of creating historic personas, and give tips and tools for doing your own historic reenactment.  

Enjoy these entertainingly informative “Confessions of a Living History Performer” at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 24, 2024, at Historic Fort Steilacoom, 9601 Steilacoom Blvd. SW, Lakewood. 

Her talk in celebration of Women’s History Month is the first of several events commemorating the 175th anniversary of the U.S. Army’s arrival in Puget Sound and the founding of Fort Steilacoom. Fort Steilacoom operated from 1849 to 1868 before the buildings and grounds became what we call today Western State Hospital.

Throughout her career, Haas has interpreted the lives of dozens of unsung, famous or infamous people. Here are just a few of them:

Thea Foss, famed Tacoma-based maritime pioneer (famous then for always serving good coffee)
Narcissa Whitman, a pioneer whose legacy has been under close examination
Dr. Elizabeth Drake, one of Tacoma’s first female physicians. Dr. Drake loved fast cars, fast horses and fast boats – and lived two blocks from what became the Lakewood Mall
Bertha Snell, the first woman to pass the Washington bar, passionate about justice
And seven women whose different experiences gave them vastly different perspectives on the U.S. Civil War
Haas feels especially rewarded telling the tales of those whose voices are usually silent in history — women.
This is especially challenging at Fort Steilacoom as we’re not aware of published recollections of women at the fort, though several men who later became Civil War generals went on to publish memoirs.

The talk is free; donations are welcome. At Fort Steilacoom, volunteers keep the past alive through the support of donors like you. It is the only ‘first U.S. Army fort’ of its kind in the nation managed entirely by volunteers.

Book Sale Fundraiser to be held April 13, 2024

10 am – 3 pm at Historic Fort Steilacoom, Quarters 2, in Lakewood.

Want to help support the mission of Historic Fort Steilacoom? Donate your gently used material to the museum for the sale! Fiction and non-fiction books in all genres are welcome. The only criteria is that they need to be in reasonably good condition (no moldy or torn materials, please!) VHS, CDs, and DVDS are accepted, though print material is preferred.

Books can be dropped off at Fort Steilacoom from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 3, or Sunday, April 7. If you have an especially large amount, please let us know in advance so we can be prepared. Email us at [email protected] with questions, or if you have material to donate but can’t make it on the first Sunday of those months.

Update: Christmas at Fort Steilacoom 2023 will be sold out

re-enactors dancing at a holiday ball


Dec. 7 update: Thank you, thank you to our many wonderful supporters who have purchased tickets. This event is largely sold out except for two slots available as we type this, at 6:10 and 7:10.
If you would like early notice of ticket sales next year, we invite you to join our free e-newsletter mailing list, found at https://historicfortsteilacoom.org/contact/
The original notice follows:

Join us at Fort Steilacoom Museum in Lakewood from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 9,  2023, as living historians re-enact the Christmas of 1859 as the holiday season might have been celebrated in these buildings 165 years ago. Get your tickets here!

Re-enactors will gather in candlelight to talk, sing, dance and dine as our predecessors did in the first U.S. military post in Puget Sound. Visitors from 2023 will walk past and witness scenes as if the visitors are spirits from the future.

The year 1859 is remembered for the lead-up to the U.S. Civil War. Many Fort Steilacoom soldiers would go on to serve in that war. However, Christmas was a period of celebration and enjoyment.

Tickets are $7 for an adult and $5 for youth. A family of up to two adults and four youth pays $12. Because this event is a fundraiser to support maintenance of the aging buildings, discounts are not offered.

The last tour group will leave at 6:30 p.m. Because of space limitations, tickets should be purchased in advance through Eventbrite.  Tickets may be purchased at the door, but availability is not guaranteed. This event will almost certainly sell out. You can check the Fort’s Facebook page to learn if the event is sold out.

Please see the Eventbrite page for information about accessibility.

Fort Steilacoom, the first U.S. Army post to be located in Puget Sound, is on the grounds of Western State Hospital at 9601 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood, 98498. Be sure to use that street address to find the fort.

Please allow extra time to find the fort. GPS and map software often direct people to Fort Steilacoom Park, but that is not where the park is located. The fort is across the street. To reach the historic Fort, be sure to type in the street address, turn right after entering Western State, and then look for the cannon shelter and lights.

About Fort Steilacoom

Historic Fort Steilacoom Association is a non-profit organization managed entirely by volunteers. There are no paid staff. No tax dollars support routine maintenance. Members of the association support the fort through donations and receive a newsletter three times a year about Pacific Northwest history. Marketing outreach is supported by a grant from the City of Lakewood’s lodging tax fund.

We only emphasize this because it’s so different from what you might have seen elsewhere. In 49 other states, ‘first forts’ are operated by educational or cultural groups with a budget. Fort Steilacoom is all-volunteer.

Fort Steilacoom occupies an important position in the U.S. settlement of Washington Territory. Beginning with its opening in 1849 and ending with its closure in 1868, Fort Steilacoom served as a beacon of American power and promise, promoting the migration of U.S. settlers to Washington and securing American interests in the region. The buildings went on to become the first incarnation of Western State Hospital.

The Fort acknowledges the complex history of the Fort and its role in the colonization of the area. The fort community is actively working to incorporate the diverse perspectives and experiences of all individuals and communities who interacted with the Fort.

For more information, visit https://historicfortsteilacoom.org.

An all-volunteer museum was a great idea. Until it wasn’t.

The following is an opinion publishing in the winter 2023 issue of our newsletter  by the museum board president, Walter Neary:

It was a gift to be president of this museum board in the early 2000s and to return after a decades-long break in 2020.

One can see, very clearly, how some things change and some things stay the same.

Please allow me to reflect as someone who came, went, and then returned for a period roughly half of the museum’s life. There are lessons, and a genuine question: Do we want to be in 2040 the same place we were in 2020?

Regarding the birth of the Historic Fort Steilacoom Association: I imagine, in the 1980s, a volunteer organization sounded really good. One hears all the time about the government and the problems it can bring. One hears that state and local park services are full of bureaucracy. They make inefficient decisions, and make decisions that benefit bureaucrats, not the community.

This wasn’t just an issue in the 80s. For example,  I was at a Seattle forum just this fall of the Pacific Northwest Historians Guild where someone talked about how it was taking several years for a park agency to change one sign. One sign.

So in the 1980s, I am sure an all-volunteer organization sounded great. After all, our board is not beholden to any government. No one tells our board what to do. You can come on the Fort Steilacoom board and do things you could only dream of at a museum which is enmeshed in government bureaucracy.

There are no words for how free we are to do what we want related to Washington history. We only answer to ourselves. I would think many professional museum workers would think that sounds like paradise. 

So what has Fort Steilacoom done with this seeming advantage?

As it was years ago, our budget is about $20,000 a year. 

That’s a fraction of the budget of comparable sites of national significance. It’s 1.3 percent of the budget of at least one other museum I know of. 

If Fort Steilacoom was a family in Pierce County, we would be living $9,800 below the poverty line. 

And indeed, the fort community is a kind of family. But we’re not feeding mouths, we’re maintaining four 165-year-old buildings and trying to tell stories of the period 1849 to 1868. So maybe the poverty line is a poor comparison. Yet at least it’s a comparison.

Of our annual budget, the Lakewood lodging tax grant of $12,000 goes to marketing, which of course does not maintain buildings or buy insurance. 

If you remove the marketing budget, then Fort Steilacoom’s remaining budget is $8,000, which would be about $16,000 below the poverty line.

And this is after 40 years of momentum as an all-volunteer organization.

The present day

There is no question we punch above our weight. Hundreds of people tour the buildings through regular tours and special events. Our little band of volunteers works crazy hard to do amazing events in the moment, such as our annual Christmas at Fort Steilacoom.

But still. 

The one mistake we can make here is to blame ourselves. I know board members and other volunteers who take the fort very seriously. But it’s not us. There has been a complete turnover of board volunteers over 40 years, sometimes many times over. The issues remain the same. It’s ridiculous to think that’s coincidence or accident.

Can we blame ourselves? I don’t buy that. I think we’re like people who get into a car in the middle of a river, try to drive it, and blame ourselves when it’s not working. 

Maybe it’s not us. Maybe it’s the fact that the circumstances are wrong.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Walter, there are all-volunteer organizations that thrive.”

But most of the organizations I know like that are called to a mission that involves very popular themes with the public. We’re more like an elementary school than a museum with a sexy purpose. Fort Steilacoom has many important stories, but it doesn’t appeal to people the way that a community museum calls on the spirit of that community. 

If you’re in Lakewood, you surely go first to the Lakewood museum. If you’re in Steilacoom, you go to the Steilacoom museum. 

Who goes first to Fort Steilacoom? Which of the fort’s stories drives you to place it first among the museums you treasure?

We don’t have Ulysses Grant (Vancouver does). We are not the site of some big dramatic battle that gets mentioned in all the history books. Fort Steilacoom may have prevented large battles from happening. No good deed goes unpunished. For its role in working to avoid bloody conflicts, Fort Steilacoom does not provide a dramatic story that gets attention in 2023.

I do think if we market the fact that Fort Steilacoom is one of two U.S. Civil War sites in all of Washington, there’s a lot of potential.

All-volunteer or no?

I think the other challenge is the very nature of an all-volunteer group. You would think freedom is wonderful. But freedom is not as easy as it sounds. With freedom, we have the choice to do so many things. 

Or we have the choice to do nothing. We have the choice to do busy work or stand by and watch others work in seeming action without being driven to greater accomplishment. 

One way of describing this situation is called “paradox of choice.” 

This concept was coined by psychologist Barry Schwartz in 2004, and it describes the way in which having too many options can actually lead to decreased satisfaction and well-being. Schwartz argues that when we have too many choices, we become overwhelmed and stressed. We start to worry about making the wrong decision, and we may end up making no decision at all.

Imagine a world where Fort Steilacoom did have professional management. That would mean the government I spoke of, with rules and bureaucracy and employees who bring their own possibilities and limits. But the fort would have resources to help operate and tell its story.

God willing, I’m going to be fascinated to see how Fort Steilacoom is managed in another 20 years! I hope the fort is not still all-volunteer, because the car is going to be pretty darn soaked by then. 


Anthropologist Marian Smith and her 1940 ‘Puyallup-Nisqually’ book

Marian Smith’s mentors told her not to write her book.

She wrote it anyway.

By Walter Neary

This article is a fuller version of an article in the winter 2023 issue of the Historic Fort Steilacoom newsletter. Comments most welcome.

Marian Smith was an anthropologist who interviewed several elders of the Puyallup and Nisqually Tribes in the late 1930s. Her book, “The Puyallup-Nisqually, Columbia Press, New York, 1940, has been cited in many ways, from the histories of Nisqually historian Cecilia Carpenter to the new mini-museum created by the Puyallup Tribe.  Smith described herself as the last student of a giant of American anthropology, Franz Boas, of Columbia University in New York. By the end of his career, Boas and his disciples had learned that much of the Native American lore they sought to catalog had been lost to time.

There is one sentence in that book that has not aged well. And some might find it offensive: “Puyallup-Nisqually culture is gone.” 

This article is about Smith, her work in relation to the Tribes and our fort – and a possible explanation for such a strange thing to say. I call it a strange thing to say, because after that sentence, the book goes on for more than 300 pages to detail Smith’s perceptions of Tribal culture.

I recently visited Smith’s papers and personal archive in London. Why are they London, you ask? Columbia University did not treat women scholars well in the 1940s, so she did not stay there after a brief stint as a teacher. Smith married an Englishman, moved, and would later become one of the key movers of the Royal Anthropological institute, which remains a vital institution today. 

I learned with sadness that Smith had saved very few of her papers from her days among the Puyallup and Nisqually. Most of the papers related to the Pacific Northwest were from a trip with students to British Columbia natives that she led late in the 1940s. But she did save a few papers from her undergraduate research days, and I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw it. I’d like to speculate about why she saved it, as I think the letter is also very important to explaining the controversial sentence above.

Smith arrived as a young undergrad in Puget Sound in 1936. She had the use of one leg; function in the other leg was lost to polio. She must have written about what she found to Boas, and/or his chief disciple, Columbia Professor Ruth Benedict. It’s on my list to see if that letter survives somewhere at Columbia. In the meantime, we know how Boas and Benedict reacted. 

I found a few notes from her 1936 days. In one, she describes how all the Tribal doctors were dead, or so she had been told. She must have suggested that she thought many memories had been lost. Because Benedict wrote back an eye-popping letter. 

In her letter Benedict very gently suggested that Smith should maybe forget the Puyallup and Nisqually and find other Tribes. Benedict had conferred with Boas. She wrote,  “Don’t take this suggestion as upsetting. If a good chance does come up, just feel free to make the most of it.”  

handwritten letter from Ruth Benedict to Ruth Boas

The scholar who would later edit the book “The Puyallup-Nisqually”
wrote Marian Smith to suggest switching her focus to another tribe.

Boas at this point was a giant of scholarship, so it would have to be intimidating for him to suggest to his youngest student that she reconsider her project

And yet. Marian Smith published “The Puyallup-Nisqually” in 1940. The two greatest figures of American anthropology at the time had suggested she find another topic. She chose not to do so.

Let’s return to how the book begins with that “Puyallup-Nisqually culture is gone.”  Well. That’s that then?  

I hope to begin a conversation by suggesting two explanations for that sentence.

One is that she personally felt that way. Columbia’s scholars spent a lot of time with a lot of Tribes in ways now thought controversial and problematic.

Here’s another option: Maybe it took the entire cultural arrogance of the Columbia University Anthropology department to put its weight behind that statement. Here’s something I probably should have told you earlier: the book was edited by Ruth Benedict.

As Boas’ career was drawing to a close, he was growing concerned that many of the recollections they cataloged were compromised. It was known that some Natives, for profoundly understandable reasons, did not want to share private recollections with a white stranger, and certainly not one who represented the full weight of the white academic system. This happened with tribe after tribe. By the end of his career, Boas knew that he and his students had collected falsehoods mixed with valuable information.

The paragraph that began with that sentence offers important context. It continues, “If the old life has come alive again and to me it certainly seems most vivid, it is due to the real and intelligent interest of my informants, especially of Jerry Meeker, John Milcane, William Wilton and Peter Kalama. They offered their memories, their hospitality, and their friendship, and this book is a monument to the culture into which they were born and which they saw vanish before their eyes.”  

At the end of this paragraph, the reader is properly muddled. 

What is in this paragraph? 

  • The culture is gone
  • It has come alive again
  • It has vanished

When Smith went to British Columbia in the late 1940s, she apparently stopped by Puget Sound to visit the Kalama family. Or maybe the pictures in her album are from her earlier days. Either way, her interested in these people seems very sincere.

So to sum up: We just don’t know the origins of the sentence. But we do know some of the reaction. A paper written by a doctoral student at the University of Washington addresses “culture is gone.” Karen Marie Capuder wrote in 2013, 

“It is undoubtedly true, as will be recounted throughout this dissertation, that incredible and often devastating changes had been wrought in peoples’ lives throughout Puget Sound due to the active efforts of federal and Christian assimilationists to destroy First Peoples’ systems of governance, spiritual praxis and land tenure, as well as their languages, subsistence strategies and sacred responsibilities within their sentient homelands. It is not entirely true, however, to say that “Puyallup-Nisqually culture is gone.” 

Very fortunately, there is more to the work than that sentence.  Any interchange with a Tribal member was precious in the late 1930s and offered vital information, whatever “scholars’ at Columbia University wanted to judge about it. Capuder notes in her dissertation that Smith gathered important materials still of use today. 

typed letter from Boas to Smith thanking her for information

Six months later, Columbia’s giant of anthropology, Franz Boas, must have eventually approved of Smith’s choice as he thanked her in this letter for information.

For example, the new Puyallup Tribe museum quotes one of the most disturbing passages in her book in one of ther displays. Smith wrote that people in Tacoma had learned that if you wanted to get land from a Native, you could arrange to have them hit and killed by a train so that it looked like an accident. Even though Smith was an anthropologist, she wrote this about present times. Surely that was a deliberate decision on her part to include a present-day detail.  

For those of us who dive deep into the history of Fort Steilacoom, Smith also quotes elders who were the grandchildren of the Natives who were part of the Fort community – and part of the Puget Sound Treaty War – in the 1850s.

Smith actually published very few political feelings of the Elders. Her main interests, driven by the Columbia approach, were the nuts and bolts of daily life: matters like clothing, spiritual beliefs, methods of giving birth and raising children. As part of that, Smith did ask about how Natives had conducted war. And that led her to a passage about the Treaty War that is most interesting. It reminds us of the writings of Fort Vancouver’s commander, who wrote in a letter home that it was terrifying how Puget Sound Natives outnumbered Army soldiers here in the 1850s. Smith’s account of the death of Lt. William Slaughter is different than you’ll find in most accounts. 

“With the cooperation of the Sahaptin relatives, a group of inland Salish sent out scouts to follow and spy upon a detachment of soldiers sent to the foothills to capture Leschi. The soldiers encamped above a stream at the head of a gully while two scouts watched their preparations from separate vantage points. Finally, a soldier moved away from the group toward the creek and toward one of the scouts. As he bent to fill his water pail, the scout rose from his hiding place, fired and killed the soldier. Not to be outdone, the other scout fired upon a second soldier who stood near the edge of the encampment”

“The camp was aroused, the scouts fled, the Indian party waiting for the attack dispersed and the soldiers were saved from a situation in which they would most certainly have been at a decided disadvantage. The fatalities were among the very few suffered by the military during the trouble. The two Indians who inflicted them were looked upon as brave men and their fame stood out strongly in comparison to the lack of similar accomplishment by others.”

This passage invites us to contemplate a version of the Treaty War that could have been much more bloody. 

In summary, we can be glad Marian Smith did not heed the gentle coaching of her mentors. We can be glad she interviewed and published recollections.

And while I have no direct evidence of this: Perhaps she held on to Benedict’s letter perhaps as a reminder of a crucial, hard decision that a young vulnerable student had to make to create arguably her most important contribution to scholarship. 

Author’s note: I thank the archivists and staff of The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland in London for their assistance in research. If you’d like to know more about Marian Smith, you might start with this  Wikipedia page. Then I recommend using search engines to find the various obituaries published after her death.

Fort Steilacoom Park is topic of annual meeting Oct. 15

The Historic Fort Steilacoom Association will host its annual meeting online at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 15.

There will be a brief business meeting where members will elect officers to the board of directors. Then the gathering will quickly move to the topic, “The historic significance of Fort Steilacoom and Fort Steilacoom Park.”

The speaker will be Chris Staudinger, who offers lantern tours of Fort Steilacoom Park. Staudinger, the founder of Pretty Gritty Tours, brings the perspective of someone who has learned over time that the area around Fort Steilacoom and its namesake park is one of the most historically significant locations in Washington State.

Staudinger will talk about the importance of the Fort Steilacoom Historic District from the times that Indigenous peoples gathered there for thousands of years to its more recent history as the center of U.S. settlement and then a major mental hospital. “The way we as Washingtonians treat others and, in turn, determine our own humanity, as been forged on this site,” he said.

Call for volunteers: Would you like to get involved in local history?

The period during and after the pandemic mixed things up for volunteer organizations throughout Puget Sound and the nation. We have plenty of room for volunteers with a desire to get involved and to help the community. Here is a list of some volunteer opportunities with Fort Steilacoom:

We seek help with our website. There are so many resources we could share about history and our fort. If you have knowledge of WordPress and an interest in history, we’d love to speak with you.

We’re looking for a tour volunteer coordinator. We offer tours on the first Sunday of the month. We need a volunteer coordinator to email volunteers to remind them they’ve signed up, and thank them afterward. This role requires no knowledge of history.

We’re looking for a history story editor. Every year, we assemble six to eight stories about Pacific Northwest history for the newsletter we showed you above. We need someone to chase down leads and help writers decide when they should submit their stories and photos. You don’t have to edit the stories.

We’re looking for a monthly talks coordinator. In past years, we’ve welcomed guest speakers. You can see examples in this YouTube video about the wives of the officer who supervised construction of our buildings. . Or you can see another example in this video that talks about a little-known subject, Slavery in Washington Territory. Are you curious about topics? Do you like books about Pacific Northwest history? We’d love to talk to you.

We’re looking for members for our board of directors. If you have volunteered at the fort and want to help organize and conduct activities to preserve the buildings and share history, we’d like to hear from you. It does involve work. It does involve more than waiting for someone to tell you to do things. We’re looking for self-starters who “play well with others.”

Are you interested in being a board member, but have not volunteered here before? You could help build a unique community institution. Fort Steilacoom is an amazing opportunity to govern a ‘first fort’ – something that 49 other states put in the hands of government. We are also looking for potential board members who have a passion for building organizations – and have proven it during teamwork on other boards. If that’s you, please get in touch.

Interested? Email us.

Old-fashioned Independence Day Weekend: Celebrate with family activites from the 1850s on July 2, 2023

From 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 2, you can experience a July Fourth weekend through activities at some of the oldest buildings in Washington. Living history re-enactors will host children’s activities and demonstrate aspects of pioneer life ranging from foods of the time to tinsmithing.

This is a great chance to learn what pioneer life was like in one of the few remaining authentic pioneer settings in Washington.

There will be games and fun and learning.

Like our nation, the entire event is free. You won’t pay for anyone you gather to enjoy the fun and celebrate history and heritage with us.

We do gratefully accept donations. The Historic Fort Steilacoom Association maintains four of the oldest buildings still standing in Washington. We do this entirely with volunteer support. Fort Steilacoom is the only ‘first fort’ of its kind in the United States that is entirely managed by volunteers and ungoverned by an educational or parks institution. And our four 165-year-old buildings need as much or more maintenance as a home that you’d live in.

But it’s up to you if you want to donate! Come join us 1 to 4 on Sunday, July 2, to celebrate the holiday and get hands-on with history.

Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates on this event; we’ll post full lists of what activities and fun to expect.

A note about our location: Please use our street address to find the fort. 9601 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood, WA 98498. Don’t use the name of the museum in your phone because it might lead you to the wrong place. Please don’t be the person driving around and around inside Fort Steilacoom Park looking for us. The fort is not in the park. The fort and the parade grounds are across the street on the ‘fr0nt lawn’ of Western State Hospital. When you enter Western State’s grounds at the main entrance, turn right.